Monday, February 06, 2006

watercolors Papers

watercolors papers come in many surface textures, rough, cold-pressed and hot pressed. The most common used are cold press 140 lb. and 300lb. The papers are designated in pounds according to the thickness of the the total weight of a ream of the paper. The ususal measurement of watercolor paper is 22 "x30" when purchased in sheets. You can buy pads or blocks of papers but this is more expensive per square inch of paper.

There are many good brands such as Arches, Strathmore, Winsor and Newton, Lanaquarelle, and Fabriano. The paper most preferred by American watercolor artists is Aches 140 cold press. This paper is somewhat off white in color. Winsor and Newton papers are also widely used and is more brilliant white than Arches.

Using good paper is a must, even for beginners. It will not turn yellow over the years and in is tougher than inexpensive paper. It will allow you to remove mistakes by scrubbing off unwanted paint marks, sponging off the surfaces , and enabling you to dry the paper with a hair dryer without damaging the paper.

Some watercolor artists feel you must soak the paper and then tape or staple it to a board to dry before beginning to paint. Others just start painting! This is a personal preference, whatever seems to work best for you. Personally, I don't soak my papers as it seems to remove too much of the original sizing.

Send me your comments and questions about watercolor papers

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